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Omini PCB Solutions – IPC Class 3 Compliance

For projects that require the highest level of precision and reliability, Omini offers IPC Class 3 certified PCBs, ensuring optimal performance in demanding industries like aerospace, medical, and military applications.

  • IPC Class 3 PCBs by Omini meet the highest industry standards, offering enhanced durability and reliability for mission-critical applications across various sectors.

  • Omini PCB Solutions cater to industries such as automotive, medical, military, and aeronautics, providing superior Class 3 PCBs tailored to each sector’s specific needs.

  • Class 3 IPC standards ensure exceptional reliability in harsh environments, such as aerospace, life support systems, and medical devices, where failure is not an option.

  • Omini offers IPC Class 3/A solutions for military and aeronautic applications, going beyond standard Class 3 requirements to ensure maximum performance and compliance with stringent regulations.

  • Choose Omini for your next high-performance PCB project, guaranteeing that each design meets the most rigorous industry standards for quality, durability, and performance.

Omini PCB Solutions – IPC Class 3 Compliance

1. Copper plating thickness in PTH wall:
IPC Class 2 PCB: PTH wall thickness ≥ 20 µm.
IPC Class 3 PCB: PTH wall thickness ≥ 25 µm.
Omini ensures precise copper plating for Class 3 PCBs to meet critical standards.

2. Minimum ring of PTH:
IPC Class 2 PCB: Broken ring at ≤ 90°.
IPC Class 3 PCB: Minimum ring size 0.05 mm.
Omini produces Class 3 PCBs with optimal ring integrity for advanced applications.

3. Copper conductor width:
IPC Class 2 PCB: Gap not exceeding 30% of minimum wire spacing.
IPC Class 3 PCB: Gap not exceeding 20% of minimum wire spacing.
Omini guarantees precise conductor spacing for high-performance Class 3 PCBs.

Omini PCB solutions ensure IPC Class 3 compliance for top-tier quality and reliability.
Omini PCB solutions ensure IPC Class 3 compliance for top-tier quality and reliability.

4. Hole wall copper plating voids:
IPC Class 2 PCB: Cavity inside hole wall acceptable under specific conditions.
IPC Class 3 PCB: No cavity allowed inside hole wall.
Omini ensures void-free copper plating in Class 3 PCBs for superior reliability.

5. Soda strawing in solder mask:
IPC Class 2 PCB: Straw gap acceptable under specific conditions.
IPC Class 3 PCB: No straw gap allowed.
Omini manufactures Class 3 PCBs with flawless solder mask application.

6. Maximum wicking allowed in copper plating:
IPC Class 2 PCB: Wicking not exceeding 100 µm.
IPC Class 3 PCB: Wicking not exceeding 80 µm.
Trust Omini for Class 3 PCB solutions with strict control over copper wicking.

Omini PCB Solutions – IPC-A-610 Class 3 PCB Assembly Acceptance Criteria

1. Hole wall filling by tin in PTH holes:
IPC Class 2 PCB assembly: Hole wall filling ≥ 50%.
IPC Class 3 PCB assembly: Hole wall filling ≥ 75%.

For Class 3 PCBs, Omini recommends PTH hole sizes over 15 mils to ensure proper solder paste filling and reliable connections.

2. Wetting on SMT components:
IPC Class 2 PCB assembly: Tin is evident on the vertical surface of SMD components.
IPC Class 3 PCB assembly: Minimum fillet height is 0.5 mm or 25% of solder + SMD component height.

Trust Omini for Class 3 assembly that ensures superior wetting for long-lasting component performance.

Omini PCB solutions meet IPC-A-610 Class 3 assembly acceptance criteria for high standards.
Omini PCB solutions meet IPC-A-610 Class 3 assembly acceptance criteria for high standards.

3. Side overhang on SMD components:
IPC Class 2 PCB assembly: Side overhang < 50% of component/pad area.
IPC Class 3 PCB assembly: Side overhang < 25% of component/pad area.

Omini ensures precise component placement with minimal overhang, optimizing Class 3 assembly quality.

4. End joint width on SMD pads:
IPC Class 2 standard: End joint width ≥ 50% of SMD component/pad.
IPC Class 3 standard: End joint width ≥ 75% of SMD component/pad.

Omini guarantees Class 3 assembly with enhanced joint widths for superior mechanical strength and electrical performance.

5. Side overhang on IC pins:
IPC Class 2 standard: Side overhang < 50% of pin width or ≥ 0.5 mm (whichever is less).
IPC Class 3 standard: Side overhang < 25% of pin width or ≥ 0.5 mm (whichever is less).

Omini ensures minimal overhang for Class 3 IC pin connections, enhancing overall reliability and performance.